Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My First Day

Whoa!  What a day. Blown away. Most of me doesn't really know what happened! I mean, I can tell you the agenda for the day, but my processing system is on overdrive.

And I'm in a room full of "A" players - having an advanced degree for this group is like having graduated from kindergarten.  I was a bit intimidated, especially this morning. But their stories, the life experience and what has brought us together, is bringing us together in a unique way. At least I'm going to trust that for now.

The information, models, skills - the take away for me today is, "Who am I when I am at my best?" There was clear emphasis on developing yourself as a leader and living as an integrated person if you want to be an effective coach with others. Job number one. Can't give what you don't have. Do you want to get on the development train?  Come on, but there's no getting off.

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